Tips To Success Making a good first impression is always crucial when you want to impress somebody. For interviews, you always want to not only be prepared, but you also want to show how that you really care about getting the job, so you have to be presentable. How we dress: How we dress is really important, because we don't want to show up to an interview in regular clothes, or even worse in dirty clothes. This shows that do didn't care enough to go out and buy some professional looking clothes much less even have time to wash that stain out. Posture: Posture is also really important, because is shoes how much you are interested. If you have good posture, is shoes that you are interested in what the interviewer has to say, ans it shoes that you are lazy. Mouth check: Make sure to always have a nice smelling breath and check that you don't have nay food stuck in your teeth, the last thing you want to do is leave a first impression as the person with the cilantro or ...